Shake It Out Card Countdown
Are you tired of feeling cramped after a long day of travel? Have you ever wondered how to incorporate more fitness into your family vacations? Are you, my active traveler, simply looking for ways to get rid of those midtrip boredom blues? Well, look no further! With our Traveling Toddler’s “Shake It Out Card Countdown” exercise, you will have you feeling well refreshed to continue on with your adventures. Traveling with Kids has never been more fit and fun! All you will need is some space and a deck of cards.
First, you will need to remove all cards from your deck except Aces, Kings, Queens, and Jacks. Second, shuffle the cards and distribute them evenly among yourself and the kids. You can assign a different type of exercise to the face cards, and for every time an Ace is pulled, you must SPAZ out and SHAKE it all out for 20 seconds. It should look something like this:
- Aces: SPAZ out and go crazy shaking all that stiffness from your body for 20 seconds
- Kings (Upper Body): Pushups, Dips (if a bench is available), Burpees, Raise the Roof, Overhead arm claps, Cherry pickers
- Queens (Lower Body): Air squats, Bunny hops, Lunges, Jog in place, Toe raises, Jumping Jacks
- Jacks (Core): Crunches, Rowers, Mason twists (hold crunch position and rock side to side), planks, Back bridge
Things to Remember
- Each movement set should be no more than 30 seconds or 10 reps
- Make sure to include everyone by letting them YELL out their exercise
- It’s designed for outdoor travel play but works perfectly for everyday use
- Go Crazy and Have Fun!
Happy Travels!
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